Selling Tips

De-Personalize - store family portraits, remove all personal affects such as drawings, keepsakes, what-nots, hobby cellectibles, etc.  Buyers need to ba able to picture themselves in the home not figure out who lives there.

De-Clutter - If you haven't used it in the last couple of months boxed it up, store it, or donate it to goodwill.  Kitchen cabinets, counter tops, closets, and dressers need to be free of clutter.  Have a Big Yard sale and make it a family project.

Make Necessary Repairs - if it bothers you it's gonna bother a potential buyer.  Common issues are extreme paint colors, doors that catch opening and closing, leaky toilets, stained carpet, etc.  Small issues turn into big  dollars in a buyers head.  In other words it's gonna cost you on selling price!

Clear The Path - all rooms should be free of unnecessary furniture or asscessories.  Take an unbiased look at the furniture in your home and how it is arranged.  Buyers do not want to have to navigate a room.  Your home should be open and easy to move around.  Rent a storage unit and put these extra items away.

Freshen Up - give your home a once over in the cleaning department, put up new showers curtains, buy a nice new door mat, put some flowers on the front porch, put out some gentle smelling air fresheners.

Enhance Curb Appeal - mow the lawn, trim the bushes, plant some flowers, make sure your house number is easy to see (make it memorable), and sweep the walks and patios.